Twenty-four Hours Fasting Done!

I have successfully, sort of, ended my first 24 hour fast! Here are my thoughts.

Breakfast-to-breakfast seems to work really well for me, Tuesday night the only trouble I had was when hubby and daughter started making their dinner and I could smell it all the way from my bedroom. I had been really focused on the book I was reading but for the next fifteen minutes I had to read the same paragraph at least 5 times. Then the neighbors started a BBQ outside and my stomach growled. I drank some water, distracted myself with videos, and very soon my tummy settled down and the hunger pangs went away. I was able to get back to my book, The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. Don't read it if you don't want to be more pissed off at our government and "Big Food".

At 9:45am Wednesday yesterday I started my first meal exactly 24 hours after finishing the last meal the day before. I wasn't hungry up until 9:30. I had no hunger pangs, no headache, and no growling until 9:30. I didn't even look at the clock, my body just said, "OK, you said 24 hours, it's been 24 hours, FEED ME SEYMOUR!"

I had egg salad with two eggs and mayo, and some left-over chicken salad from two days before. Not a large meal by any means, but as I was eating I was surprised to notice how very quickly the bowls emptied, and I wasn't eating fast at all. But... I don't know if the chicken salad had gone bad or my body reacting badly to food after its first 24 hour break ever but about an hour after finishing the food my intestines started to revolt and I ended up feeling so unwell I had to go home from work.

I'm just going to stop here even though I have more to say. I'm getting behind in my posting my partially-written drafts 'cause I keep wanting to add more to this post.


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