The seductive call of processed, highly sugared foods...
I'm having a lot of trouble organizing my thoughts on this subject and I really want to say all this stuff before I move on with other subjects so I'll just post what I have written down even though it's not finished and move on. I wanted to get all sciencey and cite sources but I'm just not that into it right now. I'm tired of all the USDA RDA bullshit and it feels like no matter what the science says there's just too much money in sugar and keeping people fat to get anything changed.
I'm a relatively intelligent person but I also, possibly stupidly, believe in conspiracy theories.
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the only person involved in JKF's death. I believe that the tobacco companies add extra-addictive chemicals to their products to keep their customer base growing. And I believe the food companies know exactly what they were doing when they added high fructose corn syrup and all sorts of other sugary substances to their products, and in so doing intentionally created a population of processed-food-addicted sick people.
Until she passed away my mom always struggled with the odd extra 20 pounds and by the looks of her my Aunt Jo does too. Not that bad, I'd be happy with that, relatively normal looking and healthy looking. They certainly never reached the mammoth proportions their daughters have reached. I'm about 340 pounds right now and if she were the same height as me I'd guess my cousin to be higher than that. She's a few inches shorter and it's just hard for me to guess people's weight so I won't even try.
My mom and my aunt are in the first generation of kids who really started eating pre-packaged, processed foods. When they were in their teens and twenties foods like Rice-O-Roni, Kraft Mac & Cheese, and Hamburger Helper were in their infancy and all the ingredients in them were still relatively pronounceable. In the 70's and 80's though ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and...
This is where my thinking goes off the rails. It is OBVIOUS to me that "Big Sugar" is making us addicted and sick either on purpose to keep us as mindless eating robots or maybe in some back room a file folder exists with proof that "Big Sugar" owns all the diet companies like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.
Also obvious is that I can't prove it, but I know something fishy is going on, or the government wouldn't be arguing so strongly for a diet that has failed miserably for the last fifty years.
Later today I move on from this conspiracy theory black hole that has had me stuck for a week and I talk about what I'm doing now. I'd like to also touch on what I was doing a week ago and a week before that, so this next bit of catching up to now might take a few days.
I'm a relatively intelligent person but I also, possibly stupidly, believe in conspiracy theories.
I believe Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the only person involved in JKF's death. I believe that the tobacco companies add extra-addictive chemicals to their products to keep their customer base growing. And I believe the food companies know exactly what they were doing when they added high fructose corn syrup and all sorts of other sugary substances to their products, and in so doing intentionally created a population of processed-food-addicted sick people.
Until she passed away my mom always struggled with the odd extra 20 pounds and by the looks of her my Aunt Jo does too. Not that bad, I'd be happy with that, relatively normal looking and healthy looking. They certainly never reached the mammoth proportions their daughters have reached. I'm about 340 pounds right now and if she were the same height as me I'd guess my cousin to be higher than that. She's a few inches shorter and it's just hard for me to guess people's weight so I won't even try.
My mom and my aunt are in the first generation of kids who really started eating pre-packaged, processed foods. When they were in their teens and twenties foods like Rice-O-Roni, Kraft Mac & Cheese, and Hamburger Helper were in their infancy and all the ingredients in them were still relatively pronounceable. In the 70's and 80's though ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and...
This is where my thinking goes off the rails. It is OBVIOUS to me that "Big Sugar" is making us addicted and sick either on purpose to keep us as mindless eating robots or maybe in some back room a file folder exists with proof that "Big Sugar" owns all the diet companies like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers.
Also obvious is that I can't prove it, but I know something fishy is going on, or the government wouldn't be arguing so strongly for a diet that has failed miserably for the last fifty years.
Later today I move on from this conspiracy theory black hole that has had me stuck for a week and I talk about what I'm doing now. I'd like to also touch on what I was doing a week ago and a week before that, so this next bit of catching up to now might take a few days.
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